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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Integrated Pest Management (IPM): Prevent Pests and Diseases

Integrated Pest Management (IPM): The prevention and control of pests and diseases
using all existing crop protection techniques and strategies:

Techniques and strategies that prevent pests and diseases:
1. Hygienic measures:*Start with clean seed and/or transplants. *Remove old plant material (source of disease inoculum and refuge for insects) from greenhouse and dispose of. *Solarization: increase the temperature set point in the greenhouse after the last crop is removed. This can kill harmful organisms on gravel, walls, tubing, etc.
*Remove weeds inside and outside the greenhouse (these can be hosts for insects and diseases for present and future crops). *Prevent transmission of pests/disease by humans/machines/tools. (“Hygiene coats” for guests; disinfect shoes/hands/tools.)

Note: Skimmed milk can encapsulate viruses on tools!

*Prevent transmission of pests/diseases in the irrigation water by filtering, UV radiation or ozone treatment.
2. Mechanical measures: *Use insect netting (several sizes specific to different insects) over
air intakes or vents to prevent entry. *Use a plastic or woven floor covering to isolate the plants from insect pests and diseases in the soil below.
3. Cultural practices: *Optimize plant growth: a healthy plant is a more resistant plant.
*Avoid plant damage (creates easy entry for disease). *Plant workers should move from clean to infested areas. *Although greenhouse hydroponic crops are planted at higher densities than field crops , too high of planting densities can result in thin, weak plants that are more susceptible to pests/diseases. *Maintain a regular harvest schedule – plants allowed to get over or under-loaded with fruit may become weakened. *Can use “crop rotation” – alternating host and non-host crops. This is not usually done in greenhouse hydroponics.
4. Genetic/transgenic/other control: *Use “resistant” or “tolerant” varieties. If growing “susceptible” varieties, grow during times of low infestations. *Note: There may be a trade-off between growing resistant or tolerant species/varieties and maintaining maximum yields.
*Can use plant material from tissue culture – disease free

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