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Friday, May 23, 2008

Guide To Propagate Chilly seedlings

Propagating seedlings means simply germinating seeds and growing the seedlings until they are big enough to be planted into a bigger pot, or directly into the ground.

The first thing you'll need to propagate seedlings is some really good quality seed compost. There's no hope for your seeds if you just go outside and scoop up some earth from your garden as its physical structure just won't be up to scratch and it will also be host to lots of pathogens which will cause problems later on for your new seedlings.
But you don't want potting compost either as it has too many nutrients and put seedlings at risk of fertilizer damage, plus it provides a lovely environment for liverworts and moss, which will then compete with your seedlings for water, space and light.
A good soil-based seed compost is the answer for seedlings that are going to take a few weeks to germinate. For plants that grow rapidly, you can just use a soil-free organic mixture. But in my video above (in Malay language), I insists on Peat Moss which is the best media for seedling.

Then you'll need the all important seeds. You should not try propagating seedlings from old seeds; buying fresh ones every year isn't very expensive and will ensure that you grow the best quality seedlings possible. Also, some plants need to be germinated from fresh seedlings and old seeds will simply not grow. So make sure you do your research to get the best results. Chilly seeds can't resist stress (of heat and too high in humid & nutrient). So, an extra care is needed when doing the seedling for chilly.
Finally what you need is a place to grow your seedlings in. This means some seed trays, and somewhere warm and humid. This could be a greenhouse, a conservatory or even just a propagator (a seed tray with lid a bit like a fish tank), but your seedlings need to stay protected from the cold at all costs otherwise they will not make it.
When everything ready, start with filling the tray with enough (but not too much) peat moss. Spray a misty water onto it using a sprayer and then place the seed on each hole. Then carefully sprinkle a small amount of peat over the seed with your only 2 finger to make sure the seed does not expose directly to the air. Put the tray in black & thin plastic bag (or trash bag) and leave it under shelter for 2 days. After 2 days, take out the plastic cover but still need to be put under shelter (or under 50% sunlight). The bud will start to appear on the 5th - 7 day.
Please refer to the posts How To Make Proper Seedlings & Basic Need For Fertigation-Selected Seed & Seedlings

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Most seeds can be propagated using a window sill propagator. I have plans for making your own from common household and gardening objects - HOWTO: Make a simple seed propagator. If it will do tomato seeds, it should do Chilli seeds as they are both in the nightshade family.

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