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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Basic needs for Fertigation 2 - Irrigation System

If you want to plant Melon, Tomatoes, capsicum, grapes or chillies using Hydroponic system, then you should use driper and proper piping to transport fertilizer to the plant. That is why we call it Fertigation (Fertilization and Irrigation). This method is different from growing leafy vegetables using Hydroponic system whereby we only 'float' the plant on the liquid solution (fertilizer) by only using a platform to hold it in place. Driper is suitable for plants mentioned above even though it also can be use for leafy plant but it is ineffective in terms of cost. It can be operated manually or automatically. The liquid fertilizer flow can can be obtain by the gravity or you can use electrical pump (0.5HP to 2HP depending on the scale) or injector. Other component needed in this type of irrigation method is nutrient tank, fertilizer tank (primary and secondary for each greenhouse unit), timer, pump (if not operated manually), filter, injector, main piping (poly pipe or PVC pipe), secondary pipe (P.E pipe or PVC pipe), micro tube driper, calibrated Timer or Irrigation Controler, one way valve & pressure regulator. Most Irrigation systems are divided into zones or lot. A zone use a single Irrigation Valve and one or a group of lot that are connected by pipes. Irrigation Systems are divided into zones because there is usually not enough pressure and available flow to run driper for an entire yard or sports field at once. Each zone has a solenoid valve on it that is controlled via wire by special Irrigation Controller. The Irrigation Controller can be mechanical or even electrical device that signals a zone to turn on at a specific time and keeps it on for a specified amount of time. So each individual plant will get a precise and uniform amount of water and nutrient for crop yield optimisation. 'Smart Controller' is a recent term used to describe a controller that is capable of adjusting the watering or driping time by itself in response to current environmental conditions. The smart controller also determines current conditions by means of historic weather data for the local area, a moisture sensor (water potential or water content), weather station, or a combination of these. That is why we call it precision farming

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